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Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Semmlow John L
Breckon Toby
Chen Chi-hau (1937- )
Gonzalez Rafael C
Griffel Benjamin
Luciano Lynne
Parker Jim R. (1955- )
Petrou Costas
Petrou Maria
Qidwai Uvais
Solomon Chris
Woods Richard E
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
United States
New Jersey
unknown (us)
United Kingdom
Słowo kluczowe
digital techniques
image processing
diagnostic imaging
United States
computer vision
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Tekst w j. angielskim
Not so long ago, what the average American man did mattered more than how he looked. Since the 1970s, however, projecting the right look has become more and more essential, and men are spending millions of dollars on fitness training, bodybuilding, hair replacement, and cosmetic surgery in the relentless pursuit of physical perfection. What has caused American men to fall into the beauty trap so long assumed to be a special danger for women? This book looks at the confluence of social, economic, and cultural changes that have shaped the new cult of male body image in postwar America. Lynne Luciano explores what men are doing to themselves, asks why they are doing it, and discovers what this new world tells us about American society today.
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Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.7074.XXIV.4 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 7924.XXIV.4 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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Digital Image Processing / Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods. - 3rd ed. - New Yersey : Pearson Education, 2010. - 976 s. : il. ; 24 cm.
Bibliogr. s. 937-964. Index.
DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING has been the world's leading textbook in its field for more than 30 years. The principal objectives of the book continue to be to provide an introduction to basic concepts and methodologies for digital image processing, and to develop a foundation that can be used as the basis for further study and research in this field. The material is timely, highly readable, and illustrated with numerous examples of practical significance. All mainstream areas of image processing are covered, including image fundamentals, image enhancement in the spatial and frequency domains, restoration, color image processing, wavelets, image compression, morphology, segmentation, and image description. Coverage concludes with a discussion on the fundamentals of object recognition.
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Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.13913 [Magazyn 1], P.13914 [Magazyn 1] (2 egz.)
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Algorithms for image processing and computer vision / J. R. Parker. - 2nd ed. - Indianapolis : Wiley Publishing, cop. 2011. - XXIV, 480 s. : il. ; 24 cm.
Bibliogr. przy rozdz. Indeks.
A cookbook of algorithms for common image processing applications. Thanks to advances in computer hardware and software, algorithms have been developed that support sophisticated image processing without requiring an extensive background in mathematics. This bestselling book has been fully updated with the newest of these, including 2D vision methods in content-based searches and the use of graphics cards as image processing computational aids. This updated edition provides practocal solutions so you can: program state-of-the-art image processing capabilities into software; find the steps for taking advantage of classifiers; apply 2D vision methods in content-based searches; perform edge detection, thinning, thresholding and morphology; link all the computers on your network itno a large image-procesing cluster; program the GPU to do image-processing and vision tasks; select the best method for searching through images.
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Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.13993 [Magazyn 1], P.13994 [Magazyn 1] (2 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.13745.XV.3 [Wypożyczalnia C] (1 egz.)
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Image processing : the fundamentals / Maria Petrou, Costas Petrou. - 2nd ed. - Chichester : John Wiley and Sons, cop. 2010. - XXIII, [1], 794 s. : il. (w tym kolor.) ; 26 cm + 1 dysk optyczny (CD-ROM).
Bibliogr. s. 777-780. Indeks.
Do książki dołączona jest płyta CD o takiej samej sygnaturze jak książka.
Do książki dołączona jest płyta CD o takiej samej sygnaturze jak książka.
Following the success of the first edition, this thoroughly updated second edition of "Image Processing: The Fundamentals" will ensure that it remains the ideal text for anyone seeking an introduction to the essential concepts of image processing. New material includes image processing and colour, sine and cosine transforms, Independent Component Analysis (ICA), phase congruency and the monogenic signal and several other new topics. These updates are combined with coverage of classic topics in image processing, such as orthogonal transforms and image enhancement, making this a truly comprehensive text on the subject.
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Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.13747.XV.6 [Wypożyczalnia C] (1 egz.)
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Digital image processing : an algorithmic approach with MATLAB / Uvais Qidwai and C.H. Chen. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, cop. 2010. - XX, 286 s., [4] k. tabl. kolor. : il. ; 25 cm.
(Chapman & Hall/CRC Textbooks in CComputing)
Na okł. "A Chapman & Hall book."
Bibliogr. s. 269-273. Indeks.
Eschewing heavy mathematics and lengthy programming details, "Digital Image Processing: an Algorithmic Approach with Matlab" presents an easy methodology for learning the fundamentals of image processing. The book applies the algorithms using Matlab, without bogging down readers with syntactical and debugging issues. Each chapter is divided into three sections. The first section presents theoretical topics in a very simple and basic style with generic language and mathematics. The second section explains the theoretical concepts using flowcharts to streamline the concepts and to form a foundation for readers to code in any programming language. The final section supplies Matlab codes for reproducing the figures presented in the chapter.
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.13995 [Magazyn 1], P.13996 [Magazyn 1] (2 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.13751.XV.6 [Wypożyczalnia C] (1 egz.)
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Biosignal and medical image processing / John L. Semmlow. - 2nd ed. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, cop. 2009. - XVII, 450 s. : il. (w tym kol.) ; 27 cm + 1 CD-ROM.
Do książki dołączona jest płyta CD o tej samej sygnaturze.
Just as a cardiologist can benefit from an oscilloscope-type display of the ECG without a deep understanding of electronics, an engineer can benefit from advanced signal processing tools without always understanding the details of the underlying mathematics. Through the use of extensive MATLAB examples and problems, "Biosignal and Medical Image Processing" provides readers with the necessary knowledge to successfully evaluate and apply a wide range of signal and image processing tools. The book begins with an extensive introductory section and a review of basic concepts before delving into more complex areas. Topics discussed include classical spectral analysis, basic digital filtering, advanced spectral methods, spectral analysis for time-variant spectrums, continuous and discrete wavelets, optimal and adaptive filters, and principal and independent component analysis. In addition, image processing is discussed in several chapters with examples taken from medical imaging. Finally, new to this second edition are two chapters on classification that review linear discriminators, support vector machines, cluster techniques, and adaptive neural nets. Comprehensive yet easy to understand, this revised edition of a popular volume seamlessly blends theory with practical application. Most of the concepts are presented first by providing a general understanding, and second by describing how the tools can be implemented using the MATLAB software package. Through the concise explanations presented in this volume, readers gain an understanding of signal and image processing that enables them to apply advanced techniques to applications without the need for a complex understanding of the underlying mathematics.
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Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.13757.XV.6 [Wypożyczalnia C] (1 egz.)
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Biosignal and medical image processing / John L. Semmlow, Benjamin Griffel. - 3rd ed. - Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis : CRC Press, cop. 2014. - XXI, [1], 608 . : il. (w tym kol.) ; 27 cm.
Bibliogr. (s. 433-435). Index.
This third edition of a bestseller offers comprehensive coverage of the major approaches in biomedical signal and image processing. It provides a complete set of signal processing tools, including diagnostic decision-making tools, and classification methods. Thoroughly revised and updated, it supplies important new material on nonlinear methods for describing and classifying signals, including entropy-based methods and scaling methods. This edition covers data "cleaning" methods commonly used in such areas as heart rate variability studies, along with actual examples. It also includes new end-of-chapter problems.
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.13998 [Magazyn 1] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.13997.XV.6 [Wypożyczalnia C] (1 egz.)
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"Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing" is an introductory text on the science of image processing and employs the Matlab programming language to illustrate some of the elementary, key concepts in modern image processing and pattern recognition drawing on specific examples from within science, medicine and electronics.
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Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.13762.XV.6 [Wypożyczalnia C] (1 egz.)
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