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Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Ashworth Julie
Clark John
Bedson Günther
Lewis Gordon
Zdybiewska Małgorzata
Antonaros Suzanne
Betteridge David
Buckby Michael
Couri Lilika
Farmer David
Hadfield Jill
Lee W. R
Rinvolucri Mario (1940- )
Southern Anna
Wallwork Adrian
Wright Andrew
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
1980 - 1989
Time Period of Creation
United Kingdom
unknown (f)
Audience Group
Poziom podstawowy
Język angielski
Nauczanie języków obcych
Drama (pedagogika)
GRY JĘZYKOWE (pedagog.)
Gry edukacyjne
Komunikacja społeczna
Metody aktywizujące (pedagogika)
Edukacja i pedagogika
Słowo kluczowe
elementary level
English language
activity book
communication activity
language acquisition
resource book
advanced level
developing skills
drama activity
educational games
intermediate level
teacher's book
teaching approaches
team building
vocal exercice
19 results Filter
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Elementary Communication Games / Jill Hadfield. - Harlow : Longman, 2004. - 40, [2] s. : il. ; 30 cm.
Form of Work
Słowo kluczowe
The language syllabus follows the communicative abilities of the students Suitable for use with any course. Teacher’s notes show you how to play each game. Photocopiable rules sheets guide the students
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 4834.XXIV.14.9 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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100 Language Games / Małgorzata Zdybiewska. - Warszawa : Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1988. - 110, [2] s. : portr., rys. ; 21 cm.
Bibliogr. s. [112]. - Indeks.
Zbiór gier językowych, które można wykorzystać jako pomoce metodyczne w nauce języka angielskiego. Autorka proponuje zabawy na poziomach: elementary, intermediate, advanced.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 8912 [Magazyn 2] (1 egz.)
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100 Language Games / Małgorzata Zdybiewska. - Wyd. 2 zm. - Warszawa : Wydawnictwa Szkolne i Pedagogiczne, 1994. - 100, [2] s. : il. ; 24 cm.
Bibliogr. s. [112]. - Indeks.
Zbiór gier językowych, które można wykorzystać jako pomoce metodyczne w nauce języka angielskiego. Autorka proponuje zabawy na poziomach: elementary, intermediate, advanced. "Pod pretekstem gier i zabaw językowych możliwe jest stwarzanie sytuacji podobnych do autentycznych, a uczniowie uczą się reagować w warunkach przypominających prawdziwe warunki komunikacji językowej".
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.9733 [Magazyn 1] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 11297.XXIV.12.2 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
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Teaching Young Learners. Teacher's Resource Book jest praktycznym zbiorem kilkudziesięciu oryginalnych piosenek, wyliczanek oraz gier i zabaw językowych przeznaczonym dla nauczycieli pracujących w przedszkolu i szkole podstawowej. Najważniejsze cechy: umożliwia dzieciom uczenie się języka metodą “zrozum i wykonaj” (Total Physical Response), co sprzyja efektywniejszej nauce; pokazuje krok po kroku jak wykorzystywać piosenki i zabawy w pracy z dziećmi oraz jak wplatać je w obowiązujący program nauczania; obejmuje szereg zadań pozwalających na ćwiczenie wszystkich sprawności językowych oraz wprowadzonego wcześniej słownictwa i gramatyki; zawiera wiele stron przeznaczonych do kopiowania; dla dzieci - seria kolorowych i przyjaznych dodatków Portfolio (Young Learners' Portfolio) 1, 2 i 3 na trzech różnych poziomach zaawansowania; Portfolio - ćwiczenie i utrwalanie wprowadzonego materiału, a także rozwijanie kreatywności i autonomii ucznia.
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 17583.XXIV.14.8 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 17582.XXIV.14.8 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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New Stepping Stones 2 / Julie Ashworth, John Clark. - Harlow : Longman, [1998]. - 61 s. : il. ; 28 cm.
* Stepping Stones game encourages and help pupils to make simple sentences * Innovative learner training sections with self-assessment and exciting project work
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.964 [Magazyn 1], P.963 [Magazyn 1] (2 egz.)
No cover
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* Stepping Stones game encourages and help pupils to make simple sentences * Innovative learner training sections with self-assessment and exciting project work
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.965 [Magazyn 1], P.966 [Magazyn 1] (2 egz.)
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* Stepping Stones game encourages and help pupils to make simple sentences * Innovative learner training sections with self-assessment and exciting project work
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.968 [Magazyn 1], P.967 [Magazyn 1] (2 egz.)
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* Stepping Stones game encourages and help pupils to make simple sentences * Innovative learner training sections with self-assessment and exciting project work
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.970 [Magazyn 1], P.969 [Magazyn 1] (2 egz.)
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New Stepping Stones 4 / Julie Ashworth, John Clark. - Harlow : Longman, [1998]. - 63 s. : il. ; 28 cm.
Stepping Stones game encourages and help pupils to make simple sentences * Innovative learner training sections with self-assessment and exciting project work
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.972 [Magazyn 1], P.971 [Magazyn 1] (2 egz.)
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* Stepping Stones game encourages and help pupils to make simple sentences * Innovative learner training sections with self-assessment and exciting project work
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.973 [Magazyn 1], P.974 [Magazyn 1] (2 egz.)
No cover
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*Stepping Stones game encourages and help pupils to make simple sentences * Innovative learner training sections with self-assessment and exciting project work
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.975 [Magazyn 1], P.976 [Magazyn 1] (2 egz.)
In basket
(Resource Books For Teachers)
A fresh and enjoyable collection of games for children aged between 4 and 11, including card games, board games, physical games, and co-operative and competitive games. Gives helpful guidance for teachers on integrating games into the English syllabus, classroom management, adapting traditional games, and creating new games with children.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 2058.XXIV.14.8 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
In basket
(Resource Books For Teachers)
A fresh and enjoyable collection of games for children aged between 4 and 11, including card games, board games, physical games, and co-operative and competitive games. Gives helpful guidance for teachers on integrating games into the English syllabus, classroom management, adapting traditional games, and creating new games with children.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.3530 [Magazyn 1] (1 egz.)
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Cognitive, affective and drama activities for EFL students This is a resource book for teachers containing material for a wide variety of games which can be played in the English language classroom. Each game focuses on one or more points of English grammar. A specification is given for each game, describing its level, materials needed, grammar points practised and time required. Grammar Games enables teachers to integrate grammar practice into their classes in novel and motivating ways.
This item is available in 3 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 142.XXIV.12.2 [Magazyn 1], 146.XXIV.12.2 [Magazyn 1], 143.XXIV.12.2 [Magazyn 1] (3 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 145.XXIV.12.2 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 144.XXIV.12.2 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
In basket
(Cambridge Handbooks for Language Teachers)
This is the second edition of the one of the founding titles of the CHLT series. The book features many of the original games but has also been fully revised to include new games for the ELT classroom. The structure of the book has also been revised so that the games are now grouped in a more teacher-friendly format where teachers can search based on language and skill criteria rather than just game type.
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 4280.XXIV.14.9 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 3482.XXIV.14.9 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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(Elementary-Intermediate Timesaver)
(Classroom Photocopiable Timesavers)
This 80-page resource book contains over 50 entirely authentic games and puzzles, adapted for teenagers learning English. Activity types include lateral thinking problems, quizess, riddles, jokes, mazes and memory games. Each activity has a strong communicative focus which gives students real motivation to express themeselves in English. Activities are graded by structure and are ideal for practising or consolidating new structures in a fun, informal way. Activities vary in length from ten minute time-fillers to longer activities which can be used as the basic for a whole lesson.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 14550.XXIV.14 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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The book is a collection of games and activities which stimulate and encourage classroom communication among students of English.
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 477.XXIV.14.9 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 478.XXIV.14.9 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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This sequel to the best-selling 101 Drama Games and Activities contains all-new inspirational and engaging games and exercises suitable for children, young people and adults. The activities can be used in teaching drama lessons and workshops as well as during rehearsal and devising periods. The book includes lively and fun warm-up games, as well as activities to develop concentration, focus and team building. The drama strategies can be used as creative tools to explore themes and characters. There are dozens of ideas for developing improvisation (which can be extended over several sessions). There are many new activities for exploring storytelling skills as well as mime and movement.
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 23379.XXIV.14.9 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 23378.XXIV.14.9 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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Language Teaching Games and Contests / W. R. Lee. - Ed. 2 revised. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. - 208 s. : il. ; 22 cm.
Designed to make language learning enjoyable and effective, this book includes games for all age groups and language levels. Each chapter begins with a short introduction, and each game is then explained clearly and practically. The book is especially suitable for use with large classes.
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.9109.XXIV.14.9 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 10733.XXIV.14.9 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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