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Publikacje dydaktyczne
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Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Angelelli Claudia V
Bassnett Susan (1945- )
Gile Daniel
Grossman Edith (1936- )
Kearns John (1936- )
Lefevere André (1946-1996)
Martin Anne (1963- )
Mitchell-Schuitevoerder Rosemary
Munday Jeremy (1960- )
Paul Gill
Torresi Ira
Valero-Garcés Carmen (1958- )
Rok wydania
2020 - 2025
2010 - 2019
2000 - 2009
1990 - 1999
Kraj wydania
Stany Zjednoczone
Connecticut (USA)
Illinois (USA)
Nowy Jork (stan) (USA)
Wielka Brytania
Teoria przekładu
Badania naukowe
Język angielski
Metody badawcze
Przekłady specjalistyczne
Tłumaczenie automatyczne
Tłumaczenie wspomagane komputerowo
Dziedzina i ujęcie
Edukacja i pedagogika
Słowo kluczowe
research method
social aspects
technological innovations
10 wyników Filtruj
Brak okładki
W koszyku
(Benjamins Translations Library ISSN 0929-7316 ; V.8)
Forma i typ
Słowo kluczowe
Basic Concepts and Models for Interpreter and Translator Training is a systematically corrected, enhanced and updated avatar of a book (1995) which is widely used in T&I training programmes worldwide and widely quoted in the international Translation Studies community. It provides readers with the conceptual bases required to understand both the principles and recurrent issues and difficulties in professional translation and interpreting, guiding them along from an introduction to fundamental communication issues in translation to a discussion of the usefulness of research about Translation, through discussions of loyalty and fidelity issues, translation and interpreting strategies and tactics and underlying norms, ad hoc knowledge acquisition, sources of errors in translation, T&I cognition and language availability.
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Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 11402.XXIV.11 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Why translation matters / Edith Grossman. - New Haven [Conn.] : Yale University Press, cop. 2010. - XI, 135 s. ; 21 cm.
(Why X Matters)
Includes bibliographical references (s. [125]-126) and index.
Why Translation Matters argues for the cultural importance of translation and for a more encompassing and nuanced appreciation of the translatorĺs role. As the acclaimed translator Edith Grossman writes in her introduction, ôMy intention is to stimulate a new consideration of an area of literature that is too often ignored, misunderstood, or misrepresented.ö For Grossman, translation has a transcendent importance: ôTranslation not only plays its important traditional role as the means that allows us access to literature originally written in one of the countless languages we cannot read, but it also represents a concrete literary presence with the crucial capacity to ease and make more meaningful our relationships to those with whom we may not have had a connection before. Translation always helps us to know, to see from a different angle, to attribute new value to what once may have been unfamiliar. As nations and as individuals, we have a critical need for that kind of understanding and insight. The alternative is unthinkable.ö Throughout the four chapters of this bracing volume, Grossmanĺs belief in the crucial significance of the translatorĺs work, as well as her rare ability to explain the intellectual sphere that she inhabits as interpreter of the original text, inspires and provokes the reader to engage with translation in an entirely new way.
Ta pozycja znajduje się w zbiorach 2 placówek. Rozwiń listę, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. P.12208.XXIV.11 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 12530.XXIV.11 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
W koszyku
This volume offers a comprehensive view of current research directions in Translation and Interpreting Studies, outlining the theoretical concepts underpinning that research and presenting detailed discussions of the various methods used. Organized around three factors that are responsible for shaping the study of translation and interpreting today—post-positivist theoretical approaches, developments in the language industry, and technological innovations—this volume is divided into three parts: Part I introduces the basic concepts organizing translation and interpreting research, such as the difference between qualitative and quantitative research, between product-oriented and process-oriented studies, and between prescriptive and descriptive approaches. Part II provides a theoretical mapping of current translation and interpreting research, covering the theories underlying the current conceptualization of translation and interpreting, from queer studies to cognitive science. Part III explores the key methodological approaches to research in Translation and Interpreting Studies, including corpus-based, longitudinal, observational, and ethnographic studies, as well as survey and focus group-based studies.
1 placówka posiada w zbiorach tę pozycję. Rozwiń informację, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 22422.XXIV.11 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Translation Practices Explained)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
This book is divided into seven chapters reflecting the building blocks of a project-based approach to translation technology. The first chapter identifies the core elements of translation environment tools and collaborative work methods, while Chapters 2 and 4 review the concept of translation memory and terminology databases and their purposes. Chapter 3 covers machine translation embedded in the technology, and the other chapters discuss human and technological quality assurance, digital ethics and risk management, and web-based translation management systems. Each chapter follows a common format and ends with project-based assignments. These assignments draw and build on real-time contexts, covering the consecutive steps in the workflow of large and multilingual translation projects.
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Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 20481.XXIV.11 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Routledge Companions)
This accessible and authoritative guide offers fresh perspectives on linguistics, context, culture, politics and ethics and contains a range of contributions on emerging areas such as cognitive theories, technology, interpreting and audiovisual translation. Supported by an extensive glossary of key concepts and substantial bibliography, this Companion is an essential resource for undergraduates, reserchers and professionals working in this exciting field of study.
Ta pozycja znajduje się w zbiorach 2 placówek. Rozwiń listę, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. P.12206.XXIV.11 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 12528.XXIV.11 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Dalkey Archive Scholarly Series)
Forma i typ
Includes bibliographical references.
This book comprises the results of meeting editors and translators from US and UK at the British Council in London in Februrary 2008- a collection of volume comprises the results of that meeting - a collection of summaries, suggestions and instructions from leading literary translators and publishers.
Ta pozycja znajduje się w zbiorach 2 placówek. Rozwiń listę, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. P.12207.XXIV.11 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 12529.XXIV.11 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
W koszyku
Translating promotional and advertising texts / Ira Torresi. - Second edition. - London : New York : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, ©2021. - XII, 211 stron ; 25 cm.
(Translation practices explained)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The translation of promotional and advertising texts requires the application of techniques which, although they vary depending on the specific text type, are all aimed at preserving their persuasive purpose. This often requires in-depth cultural adaptation and, on occasion, thorough rewriting. Translating Promotional and Advertising Texts covers the key types of promotional texts, including personal, business-to-business, institutional, business-to-consumer, and advertising. With numerous examples from a wide variety of languages and media, taken from the author's own professional experience and observations, this volume is designed for use as a coursebook for classroom practice or as a handbook for self-learning. It also provides insight for research into promotional and advertising translation. This second, updated edition offers entirely new sections on self-promotion in social media, text analysis, and tools for the cross-cultural appraisal of promotional texts.
Ta pozycja znajduje się w zbiorach 2 placówek. Rozwiń listę, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 23578.XXIV.11 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 23577.XXIV.11 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
W koszyku
(Benjamins Translation Library. EST Subseries ; 76)
Bibliografia przy rozdziałach. Indeks.
At conferences and in the literature on community interpreting there is one burning issue that reappears constantly: the interpreter’s role. What are the norms by which the facilitators of communication shape their role? Is there indeed only one role for the community interpreter or are there several? Is community interpreting aimed at facilitating communication, empowering individuals by giving them a voice or, in wider terms, at redressing the power balance in society? In this volume scholars and practitioners from different countries address these questions, offering a representative sample of ongoing research into community interpreting in the Western world, of interest to all who have a stake in this form of interpreting. The opening chapter establishes the wider contextual and theoretical framework for the debate. It is followed by a section dealing with codes and standards and then moves on to explore the interpreter’s role in various different settings: courts and police, healthcare, schools, occupational settings and social services.
Ta pozycja znajduje się w zbiorach 2 placówek. Rozwiń listę, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. 19388.XXIV.11 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 19387.XXIV.11 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
W koszyku
This varied collections of essays represents the differing strands of work currently being undertaken in the exciting new field of Translation Studies and reflects a shift of emphasis away from a more descriptive form of translation towards the idea that translation occupies a seminal position in the development of culture.
Ta pozycja znajduje się w zbiorach 2 placówek. Rozwiń listę, by zobaczyć szczegóły.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
Są egzemplarze dostępne do wypożyczenia: sygn. P.12204.XXIV.11 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 12527.XXIV.11 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
Brak okładki
W koszyku
(Continuum studies in translation)
As a research area, education in the fields of translation and interpreting has received growing attention in recent years, with the increasing professionalization of the language-mediation sector demanding ever more highly trained employees with broader repertoires. This trend is evidenced in the present collection, which addresses issues in pedagogy in a variety of translation and interpreting domains. A global range of contributors discuss teaching, evaluation, professionalization and competence as they apply to an array of educational and linguistic situations. Translator and Interpreter Training: Issues, Methods and Debates presents an in-depth consideration of the issues involved in this area of translation and interpreting studies, and will be of interest to all students and academics working and researching in the field.
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Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 11318.XXIV.11 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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