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Shakespeare William (1564-1616)
Reilly Vanessa
Ward Sara M
Abrasowicz Gabriela
Ayling Ronald (1932- )
Beddall Fiona
Bocian-Czyż Anna
Burrows Phill
Byram Michael
Cahnmann-Taylor Melisa
Casado Denver
Chołoniewska Krystyna
Czelakowska Danuta
Dawes Lyn
Devitt Matthew
Duff Alan
Evans Evans
Farmer David
Fleming Michael (1974- )
Gerngross Günter
Gill Roma
Gillette Carmela Romano
Grugeon Elizabeth
Guśniowska Marta
Hankins John E. (1905- )
Harjaček Dario (1979- )
Heathfield David
Hill Robert
Hubbard Lorraine
Jarosz Robert
Johnson B. S
Krasner David (1952- )
Laski Marghanita (1915- )
Lechman Martyna
Les'kìv Alìna Zenovìïvna
Logue Christopher
Maley Alan
Martin Alex (1953- )
Martinić Ivor (1984- ). Tu jest napisany tytuł dramatu o Antem
McGovern Kathleen
McNish Deric
Moore-Gilbert Bart
Myśliwski Wiesław (1932- )
Myśliwski Wiesław (1932- ). Drzewo
Myśliwski Wiesław (1932- ). Klucznik
Myśliwski Wiesław (1932- ). Requiem dla gospodyni
Neighbors Chuck
Osborne John
Pejović Katarina (1962- ) My i oni
Phillips Sarah
Pickering Kenneth
Puchta Herbert
Rinvolucri Mario (1940- )
Rudziński Zbigniew (1935-2019)
Seed John (1950- )
Smith Carol
Vukelić Dina (1990- ). Jeśli powiesz, to już po tobie!
Waligóra Agnieszka (1995- )
Williams Tennesse
Šarić Lana (1983- ). Wieżowiec
Żygowska Joanna
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SHAEKSPEARE, WILLIAM (1564-1616). Henry V
SHAEKSPEARE, WILLIAM (1564-1616). Macbeth
SHAEKSPEARE, WILLIAM (1564-1616). Romeo and Juliet
Second-language acquisition (SLA)
Teoria literatury
Williams, Tennesse (1911-1983). Streetcar named desire
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Literatura amerykańska
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English drama
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English literature
drama (ped.)
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English theatre
Shaekspeare William
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primary school
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(Professional Perspectives / ed. Mike Burghall)
This book gives teachers a wide variety of drama activities, all of which have been designed to maximise student interaction. A range of different, true-to life situations are used, to generate meaningful communication, increase fluency and build up students' confidence.
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.7999.XXIV.14.3 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 9325.XXIV.14.3 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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Kipling's English History / red. Marghanita Laski. - [Londyn] : BBC Books, [1987]. - 120 s. : il. ; 24 cm.
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Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 766.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1] (1 egz.)
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Gives an account of Books 1 and 2 of Homer's "Iliad", not in a strictly translatory sense, but as an attempt to convey the spirit of Homer and his narrative. Written by the author of "War Music", this book was awarded the Bernard F. O'Connor Award.
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Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 621.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1] (1 egz.)
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A Patriot For Me / John Osborne. - Londyn; Boston : faber and faber, 1983. - 104 s. ; 20 cm.
A Patriot for Me shows how a young, able and ambitious officer of the Imperial and Royal Army of the Austro-Hungarian Empire was, through his homesexuality, blackmailed into becoming a spy for Tsarist Russia. When John Osborne wrote A Patriot for Me it was not licensed for public performance by the Lord Chamberlain. In July 1965 the Royal Court Theatre, London, had to be converted into a club for the first production to take place. This volume contains a list of the cuts and alterations requested by the Lord Chamberlain - to which Osborne refused to agree. The play was revived by the Royal Shakespeare Company on the Barbican stage in October 1995.
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Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 633.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1] (1 egz.)
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Drama with Children / Sarah Phillips. - Wyd. 4. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2002. - 151 s. : rys. ; 27 cm.
(Resource Books For Teachers)
Form of Work
Słowo kluczowe
This book introduces drama activities to children, including role play, mime, chants, puppets and short plays.
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Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 3119.XXIV.14.8 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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It is a very short list of 20th-century American plays that continue to have the same power and impact as when they first appeared—57 years after its Broadway premiere, Tennessee Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire is one of those plays. The story famously recounts how the faded and promiscuous Blanche DuBois is pushed over the edge by her sexy and brutal brother-in-law, Stanley Kowalski. Streetcar launched the careers of Marlon Brando, Jessica Tandy, Kim Hunter, and Karl Malden, and solidified the position of Tennessee Williams as one of the most important young playwrights of his generation, as well as that of Elia Kazan as the greatest American stage director of the ’40s and ’50s.
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.6910 [Magazyn 1], 7692 [Magazyn 2], P.6909 [Magazyn 1], P.6911 [Magazyn 1] (4 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 7691.XXIV.9 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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(Cambridge Language Teaching Library)
Bibliografia strony 290-305. Indeks.
Language Learning in Intercultural Perspective addresses the ways in which language learning is related to learning about other cultures and to acquiring an ability to communicate across cultural frontiers. It argues that language learners need to develop sensitivity to cultural difference and its impact on communication, and to acquire the skills of discovering and interpreting other cultures, other values, beliefs and behaviours which lie beneath the surface of cross-cultural communication. Contributors show how drama can be used to develop cultural awareness and how learners can acquire ethnographic skills to help them investigate and understand socio-cultural aspects of language which play an important role in second language acquisition. The contributors are all respected educationalists from a range of countries and different cultural contexts.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 17409.XXIV.14 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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(A Beat by Beat Book)
Teaching Drama: The Essential Handbook is a new resource with 16 ready-to-go lesson plans that will provide you with the tools you need to build your kids into incredible actors. Go beyond drama games. With this handbook you'll get: A semester's worth of cumulative lessons that will turn your kids into real-deal actors Notes on how to introduce basic acting concepts in a way kids will instantly understand Suggested activities for both "younger" and "older" kids How to transition between activities and from lesson to lesson Contemporary new games like a "Facebook Character Profile" Reflection and journaling exercises after every lesson.
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. B.1474.XXIV.14.9 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. B.1473.XXIV.14.9 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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(Brief Instructional Guides)
Drama in the Language Classroom weaves together cutting-edge research and practices from the fields of theater and TESOL. After providing an overview of how drama can be used in the language classroom, Carmela Romano Gillette (a TESOL expert) and Deric McNish (an expert in actor training) present a collection of resources teachers need to begin using drama, including practical classroom-tested and evidence-based techniques. They show how theater, performance, and improvisation can help students build confidence, develop a deeper context for speaking, and create authentic opportunities for language use. In addition, they outline the para- and extra-linguistic techniques that can improve expression and meaningful communication. Each section includes sample activities, such as script analysis for improving fluency, and assessment suggestions. Readers do not need to have experience with performance or drama to learn how to incorporate these practices into the ESL classroom.
This item is available in 2 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. B.1470.XXIV.14.9 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. B.1469.XXIV.14.9 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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Form of Work
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BS Johnson's fifth novel, subtitled "A Geriatric Comedy", is inventive, unique and wonderfully humane. Like the rest of his hugely important and criminally overlooked work this is as funny and as profound a book as any you are ever likely to read. Consisting of eight 21-page monologues by each of the named inhabitants of an old people's home, and a final piece by the House Mother herself, Johnson, without any hint of sentimentality, draws out an evening scene in which each of the NERs (no effective relatives) suffers at the hands of the House Mother. Before the start of each monologue a CQ score is given (marking a regularly used test for senile dementia: out of 10 simple questions, such as where are you now? what day is this? the 10 answers represent compos mentis on a sliding scale to infirmity). This enables Johnson, through his usual playful use of language and typography, to represent in his writing the almost incommunicable. The old people suffer, some can barely speak, others are dominated, obsessed with particular memories that mark important failures or accomplishments, moments which resonate now daily life is so dull.
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Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 674.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1] (1 egz.)
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How to Study Modern Drama / Kenneth Pickering. - [Londyn] : Macmillan, [1991]. - 131 s. ; 22 cm.
"Studying Modern Drama" provides students with a careful, step-by-step approach to tackling the entire field of modern plays from Ibsen to Sarah Kane and Patrick Marber. With discussions of the characteristics of modern drama, conventions and language and structure, the book also introduces a workshop method of exploring texts. The book is ideal as both a self-help or as a course book for theatre and drama students and provides practical help on criticism, essay writing and examinations.
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Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 755 [Magazyn 1] (1 egz.)
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Cognitive, affective and drama activities for EFL students This is a resource book for teachers containing material for a wide variety of games which can be played in the English language classroom. Each game focuses on one or more points of English grammar. A specification is given for each game, describing its level, materials needed, grammar points practised and time required. Grammar Games enables teachers to integrate grammar practice into their classes in novel and motivating ways.
This item is available in 3 branches. Expand the list to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 142.XXIV.12.2 [Magazyn 1], 146.XXIV.12.2 [Magazyn 1], 143.XXIV.12.2 [Magazyn 1] (3 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Wypożyczalnie
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 145.XXIV.12.2 [Wypożyczalnia A] (1 egz.)
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 144.XXIV.12.2 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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Romeo and Juliet / William Shakespeare ; ed. John E. Hankins. - New York, Toronto [etc.] : Scholastic Inc., cop. 1969. - 126 s. ; 17 cm.
William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is considered to be one of the greatest tragic love stories of all time. Romeo who is a member of the house of Montague falls in love with Juliet who is a member of the house of Capulet. The Montagues and the Capulets have been engaged in a feud for many years and as such the love between Romeo and Juliet is forbidden. Written near the end of the 16th century, "Romeo and Juliet," which is one of Shakespeare's earliest dramas, is the story of love that can never be realized and the tragedy that ensues.
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Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 8916.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1] (1 egz.)
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William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is considered to be one of the greatest tragic love stories of all time. Romeo who is a member of the house of Montague falls in love with Juliet who is a member of the house of Capulet. The Montagues and the Capulets have been engaged in a feud for many years and as such the love between Romeo and Juliet is forbidden. Written near the end of the 16th century, "Romeo and Juliet," which is one of Shakespeare's earliest dramas, is the story of love that can never be realized and the tragedy that ensues.
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Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 17046.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1] (1 egz.)
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Romeo and Julliet / William Shakespeare. - Londyn : Penguin Books, 1994. - 155 s. ; 18 cm.
(Penguin Popular Classics)
William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" is considered to be one of the greatest tragic love stories of all time. Romeo who is a member of the house of Montague falls in love with Juliet who is a member of the house of Capulet. The Montagues and the Capulets have been engaged in a feud for many years and as such the love between Romeo and Juliet is forbidden. Written near the end of the 16th century, "Romeo and Juliet," which is one of Shakespeare's earliest dramas, is the story of love that can never be realized and the tragedy that ensues.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 1709.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1], 11231.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1], 1710.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1], 1711.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1], 1707.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1], 3985.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1], 1708.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1], 1706.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1] (8 egz.)
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The three early plays that established Sean O'Casey's reputation are known collectively as the Dublin trilogy because they take as their ostensible subject urban life in Ireland in the early years of the twentieth century. The Shadow of a Gunman, Juno and the Paycock, and The Plough and the Stars were performed at the Abbey Theatre in 1923, 1924, and 1926, respectively. Each play is not only set in the nation's capital, but also explicitly examines Irish urban life during the period of colonization, revolution, and, later, decolonization, charting changes within Irish culture and politics in terms of the impact that these changes make on Irish urban social formations.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 754.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1] (1 egz.)
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(Junior English Timesavers)
(Classroom Photocopiable Timesavers)
This lively 96-page resource book contains a variety of graded drama activities to suit a range of levels and abilities. It is aimed at children from 8 years upwards. Activities include action rhymes, games, mimes, jokes and full-class plays, supported by photocopiable cards, masks and puzzles. Step-by-step teacher's notes accompany each activity, with useful ideas for further exploitation. Comprehensive introduction provides useful guidelines on how to introduce drama to primary level classes.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 14541.XXIV.14 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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A Companion to Twentieth-Century American Drama / edited by David Krasner. - Chichester, U.K. ; Malden, MA : Wiley-Blackwell, 2007. - XIX, 576 pages ; 26 cm.
(Blackwell Companions to Literature and Culture)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
This Companion provides an original and authoritative survey of twentieth-century American drama studies, written by some of the best scholars and critics in the field. Balances consideration of canonical material with discussion of works by previously marginalized playwrights. Includes studies of leading dramatists, such as Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Eugene O'Neill and Gertrude Stein. Allows readers to make new links between particular plays and playwrights. Examines the movements that framed the century, such as the Harlem Renaissance, lesbian and gay drama, and the solo performances of the 1980s and 1990s. Situates American drama within larger discussions about American ideas and culture
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 18064.XXIV.9 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
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(Resource Books For Teachers)
Provides ideas and advice for teachers who are asked to teach English to very young children (3-6 years). Offers a wide variety of activities such as games, songs, drama, stories, and art and craft, all of which follow sound educational principles. Includes numerous photocopiable pages.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. P.3532 [Magazyn 1] (1 egz.)
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Henry V / William Shakespeare. - London : Penguin Books, 1994. - 144 s. ; 18 cm.
(Penguin Popular Classics)
A triumphantly patriotic play that also casts a critical eye at war and warriors, this great epic drama depicts a charismatic ruler in a time of national struggle. The young King Henry’s victory over the French despite overwhelming odds creates a spectacle of action, color, and thundering battles. Whether the warrior-king is urging his men “Once more unto the breach, dear friends,” or wooing Katharine of France, Henry is magnificently adapted to the role he must play in England’s greatness. "Henry V" represents the culmination of Shakespeare’s art as a writer of historical drama.
This item is available in one branch. Expand information to see details.
Biblioteka Główna. Magazyny
There are copies available to loan: sygn. 11235.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1], 11238.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1], 11218.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1], 11217.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1], 11236.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1], 4369.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1], 11237.XXVIII.1 [Magazyn 1] (7 egz.)
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