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American popular Music from Minstrelsy to MP3 / Larry Starr, Christopher Waterman. - 3rd ed. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2010 - XIX, 537 s. : il. ; 24 cm. + 2 dyski optyczne (Audio CD).
The most complete, colorful, and authoritative package of its kind, American Popular Music: From Minstrelsy to MP3, Third Edition, examines popular music in the United States from its beginnings into the 21st century. Highlighting the contributions of diverse groups, Larry Starr and Christopher Waterman trace the development of jazz, blues, country, rock, hip-hop, and other popular styles. They combine an in-depth treatment of the music itself - including discussions of stylistic elements and analyses of musical examples - with solid coverage of attendant historical, social, and cultural circumstances.
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Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Copies are only available in the library: sygn. 13932.XXIV.5 [Czytelnia A] (1 egz.)
Supplement note
Do książki dołączony jest komplet 2 płyt CD o tej samej sygnaturze.
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