W koszyku
Focus on Britain today : cultural studies for the language classroom / Clare Lavery. - Ed. 1, repr. - London, Basingstoke : Macmillan Publishers Ltd, 1994. - 122 s. : il., fot. (w tym kol.) ; 28 cm.
(Macmillan Focus Series)
The "Macmilllan Focus" series provides background material which is designed to present a series of "insiders' views" of that world. "Focus on Britain Today" has been developed especially for students at secondary level, who are required to learn about British "civilisation" as part of their language studies. It uses up-to-date information and communicative methodology to provide motivating practice based on those aspects of the country in the 1990s which are relevant to learners of today. The topic-based language practice involves the input of information from textual, diagrammatic and visual sources. Specific language items are clearly presented and practised, and unfamiliar language carefully glossed. The emphasis throughout is on the exploration of and discovery about the target society in relation to the student's own - and, above all, those aspects of both which are relevant, and of interest to adolescents today.
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Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
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