W koszyku
Prepare for certification, MOC/recertification, and in-service exams with the most trusted name in medicine: Harrison's. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine Self-Assessment and Board Review, 19th edition, is a completely revised and updated guide to help you prepare for your primary board certification, maintenance of certification/re-certification, and for in-service exams. With an important component of the Harrison's set, this review reflects all of the most up-to-date material featured in the 19th edition of Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine. This ultimate study partner contains more than 1000 revised and updated questions (and answers), simulating those on the primary certification exam. Integral to interactive self-assessment and in line with the core Harrison's text, the high-yield content reflects the weighting of subject matter included on the internal medicine board exam blueprint and spans the field of internal medicine.
Status dostępności:
Biblioteka Główna. Czytelnie
Egzemplarze są dostępne wyłącznie na miejscu w bibliotece: sygn. 17201.XVIII.1.1 [Czytelnia B] (1 egz.)
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